I unconsciously tried to keep my light safe from the deep, dark feelings of shame and heavy emotions that lived inside of me.
On the outside I appeared to have it all together.
But on the inside, I was in constant fear.
I was afraid of myself.
I didn't know how to handle her.
I didn't understand her.
Every single interaction was exhausting because I felt ashamed and embarrassed for everything I said, everything I did, and everything I was. There were times I would get it under control only to be triggered again, allowing myself to fall down the same rabbit hole of shame and confusion.
This endless cycle seemed like it had control over me.
I felt helpless. I was depressed.
Until my Spirit Team introduced me to my Inner Child.
My inner teacher showed me how to walk right into the darkness, into my BIG emotions and face them with presence, patience, and compassion.
Spirit taught me how to shine the light of my soul on my inner child, to listen to her pain and show her a new way.
I learned how to embrace my humanity and to embody my soul's truth.
I replaced old beliefs about myself and the world with new life-affirming beliefs.
I created REAL change.
And now I want to help you.
My purpose is to help people embody their authentic self and reawaken the innocence of their inner child.
The child in us all that seems to be easily abandoned, shamed, abused, and forgotten about.
The child that sits inside just waiting to feel acknowledged and supported. Waiting to feel important and loved. Waiting to be free.
When I work with someone. I create a safe space for them to sit with me. I honor their existence and offer patience and presence. I open the door for them to be heard. I help them step into the present moment and release the past. I help them remember who they really are.
I deliver messages from Spirit, shine the light on your truth, and help you awaken to the light of your soul.
I believe in the work that I offer, not only because of the success stories my clients have shared with me over the last decade, but also because of my own healing.
After years of struggling off and on with deep depression, shame, self-loathing, and feeling unloved, I joined forces with my soul and followed my inner teacher on a journey of facing my inner child, listening to her pain, and bringing light to her wounds.
My entire life transformed. My relationships improved. My self-love was amplified. Deep disgust for my physical body changed to love and adoration. Through loving my inner child, changing the beliefs she held, and embodying my authentic self, I found the inner peace I had so desperately needed. And now I want to help YOU.
My dedication to serving other inspires me to continue learning, growing, and healing through classes, workshops, working my with spiritual guides, meditation, research, holistic healing, and any other avenue offered in this abundant world.