Let's light your inner fire.
Connect with your soul, your magic.
Release fears about your unique self.
Gain a deeper understanding of who you really are.
Own your worthiness.
Reawaken your innocence.
Stand in your radiant power.
What Does Your Soul Have to Say About You?
Every soul carries insight about their personal cosmic journey,
soul lessons and experiences, guidance, support, and so much love. $260
Let's dive in together.
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soul lessons and experiences, guidance, support, and so much love. $260
Let's dive in together.
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▴ Short & Sweet ▴
30 Minute Follow Up Session
Release, ground, and come back to center. Perfect for exploring 1-2 questions. For returning clients only.
You came into this world with intuitive and healing abilities, soul skills, soul wisdom, and so much more! Let’s tune in and uncover just how amazing you are!
Follow Up *1-Day Voxer Access (*see details)
Plus 3 months months of my Soul Sparks membership site that is dedicated to assisting you in the exploration of your inner world, building a relationship with your soul AND your physical body, and rediscovering your authentic self so you can live a life in alignment with who you really are.
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Follow Up *1-Day Voxer Access (*see details)
Plus 3 months months of my Soul Sparks membership site that is dedicated to assisting you in the exploration of your inner world, building a relationship with your soul AND your physical body, and rediscovering your authentic self so you can live a life in alignment with who you really are.
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1:1 Session + 1-Day Voxer Support + Plus 3 Month Soul Sparks Membership
You Are an Intuitive Being!
Let's dive into your personal intuitive abilities, sensitivities, and all things related to your personal magic. There's nothing more powerful than a strong intuition and I absolutely enjoy helping others light their inner fire and release fears about their personal magic! $260
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One Question Email Reading
Are you looking for guidance from your Spirit Team?
This email reading covers one question from one area of your life.
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This email reading covers one question from one area of your life.
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Child's Soul Reading
Deepen Your Level of Intimacy
With Your Child
Spirit has so many great insight for parents!
Prepare questions ahead of time, allow Spirit to guide us, or both!
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Prepare questions ahead of time, allow Spirit to guide us, or both!
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Meditation Consultation
It's time to release confusion and fear about meditation so that you can dive in with confidence.
I will use my experience, knowledge, and intuition to help you work through any blockages and embrace a healthy relationship with meditation.
You will be guided through the entire process.
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I will use my experience, knowledge, and intuition to help you work through any blockages and embrace a healthy relationship with meditation.
You will be guided through the entire process.
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- A session with Katie is in no way a substitute for professional medical, mental health, or spiritual counseling and treatment. When you purchase and schedule a session, you are agreeing to the terms of service. Please read here: DISCLAIMER